Pick the spot...The key to giving a hickey is placement...The neck is the best place, but the upper chest area also works...
Kiss ...You don't have to let your mate know that you are going to give a hickey if you don't want resistance...Kiss your partner lightly moving along their body to deter any suspicion...
Apply pressure...Lock on the area that you want to place the hickey and start to lick the area...Then, apply light pressure...This will prepare the skin for the hickey while keeping your mate from knowing what is about to happen...
Suck ...Be careful not to draw attention to what you are doing right away...Start by lightly sucking on the target area with light licking and kissing in between sucking...Then slowly increase the sucking action...A vacuum needs to form from your mouth and the skin for a hickey to form...
Inspect the hickey...When you feel that you have left a mark look at the area...It should be red...If the mark is not dark enough, suck and apply pressure on the same area...When done properly a hickey will stay on the skin for a few days...
Be playful...have fun!...