somewhere you are...and I see you...but cannot address you as one to another...the person drawn to a person...I lose my speech...am powerless for all my boundless strength...I am stricken still even as I strain...could I resist you?...am I won't to remember you limned in the skyline of this grey morning?...in forgetting, could I forget you?...would I force myself as one beholden to the sun for strength to yearn for the moon...when in yearning I would reap only the night?...I would deceive myself and pass off the lie as icing that easily dissolves in heat...but even in deception a morsel of truth remains...that you hold me hopelessly enamored...a lump of putty in your hands...
somewhere you are and I see you...and cannot forget you...images of you in the morning sun...the tempest...the rainbow arching across the sky after an afternoon of rain...this longing must cease...this fever must cool...this madness of hurt feelings...this thirst...the sum of what must be unfolded so the spirit might be calmed...
I see you and I become mute...and what has been told remains untold...somewhere beyond the gloom this ceaseless striving and I am near death for sore want...somewhere, beneath the scarlet lips I cannot reach even in my outstretched longing, is your presence...the cooling lake...the passing breeze...the blue sky touching the sapphire water across the horizon...
somewhere out of this madness is my fear...the loneliness of empty nights...dreams which have no end...and a fever of molten regrets...
somewhere I know I shall never find you...